
烘培工廠 Coffee Roastery


Yunnan Free Trade Experimental Area Kafelaku coffee Industry Co., Ltd.




1. Unique Coffee Planting Environment

The west and south of Yunnan Province are located between 15 ° N and Tropic of cancer. Most of the areas are 1000-2000 meters above the sea level. The terrain is mainly mountainous and sloping land with large fluctuation, fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, abundant rainfall and large temperature difference between day and night. These unique natural conditions form the particularity of taste of Yunnan Arabica coffee, with taste of strong but not bitter, fragrant but not violent, slightly fruity. As early as the 1950s, Yunnan Arabica coffee was very popular in the international coffee market and was rated as the premium grade coffee.

The coffee planting history in Yunnan can be traced back to 1892. A French missionary brought coffee seeds into Yunnan province from abroad and successfully planted them in a valley in Binchuan County. Up to now, there are still more than 30 coffee plants in Binchuan County that are blooming and bearing fruit. The large scale planting of coffee in Yunnan was in the middle of the 1950s, with a planting scale of 4000 hectares. By the end of 1997, the coffee planting area had reached 7800 hectares. At present, the planting area of Yunnan Province accounts for 70% of the national area and the output accounts for 83% of the national area. In terms of the planting area and the output of coffee beans, Yunnan coffee has established the leading position in China.



1. 萬(wàn)畝咖啡種植莊園;
2. 咖啡生豆加工及批發(fā);
3. 烘焙豆加工及批發(fā)。


2. Coffee Manor and Factory

Kafelaku Coffee Franchise Co. Ltd. established a subsidiary, Yunnan Free Trade Experimental Area Kafelaku coffee Industry Co., Ltd., in Yunnan Province in 2012. The main business items are as following:

(1) 10000 mu coffee plant area.

(2) Processing and wholesale of raw coffee beans;

(3) Processing and wholesale of baked beans.

At present, the annual output of coffee bean factory has reached more than 20000 tons, and its main customers include: more than 1000 physical coffee stores, canned beverage of Kopi Luwak coffee, member units under Guangzhou Coffee Industry Association, coffee bars in major hotels, etc.




3. Joint Construction of Free Trade Area

The Management Committee of Honghe District and Hekou County People's government of China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Area as well as Kafelaku Coffee Franchise Co. Ltd. have signed the strategic cooperation agreement on the project of Honghe District coffee primary, secondary and tertiary industry integration development demonstration zone in China (Yunnan) Pilot Free Trade Area.

On the basis of a large number of market research and scientific analysis and demonstration, Kafelaku Coffee Franchise Co. Ltd. has decided to invest in the construction of coffee industry integration development demonstration area project in Honghe District, with a total investment of 5 billion RMB. The construction contents so far are as follows: firstly, 100,000 mu of coffee garden complex in the primary industry, which including 99,500 mu of coffee ecological planting demonstration area, 100 mu of musk weasel tourism garden, 400 mu coffee seedling base. Secondly, 337 mu Coffee bean processing park of second industry, including sorting, processing, storage, R&D, exhibition, etc.

1. 曬咖啡豆






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